Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College
The "Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College" program, established in 1922, concentrates on the importance of completing secondary and collegiate education as a road to advancement.

A Voteless People is a Hopeless People
"A Voteless People is a Hopeless People" (aka VPHP) was initiated as a National Program of Alpha during the 1930's when many African-Americans had the right to vote but were prevented from voting because of poll taxes, threats of reprisal, and lack of education about the voting process. Voter education and registration have remained a dominant focus of this outreach activity for over 65 years. In the 1990's, the focus has shifted to include political awareness and empowerment, delivered most frequently through town meetings and candidate forums.

Project Alpha
This collaborative project is designed to provide education, motivation and skill-building on issues of responsibility, relationships, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases for young males ages 12-15 years. Designed to provide young men with current and accurate information about teen pregnancy prevention, Project Alpha consists of a series of workshops and informational sessions conducted by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity brothers.

Brother's Keeper
Formally called the A. Charles Haston Brother's Keeper program, this service program developed with the mission of advocating and improving the quality of life for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. brothers, their spouses, and widows who are retired, are elders, have disabilities and are ailing.

Boy Scouts of America
The Boy Scouts of America and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity have goals and objectives which make for a "natural alliance" between the two organizations. Through this alliance, the two organizations are achieving their goals by utilizing the Scouting program to its greatest potential as a programming resource.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America
The Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America program was implemented during the Fraternity's 1990 General Convention.The two organizations signed an agreement to assist each other in reaching their goals of working toward the positive development of African-American youth and empowering their families and communities.
UNCF Walk/Run For Education

The Alphas regularly participate in this fundraising event, which was formed to raise funds for UNCF students in the form of scholarships and services. UNCF students attend over 900 colleges and universities. UNCF also supports 37 historically black colleges and universities.
Phirst Phamily Thanksgiving Pheast

Formerly known as 1906 lbs of Turkey, this initiative partners Delta Chi Lambda with the rest of the Alpha chapters of the Wisconsin District and the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Upsilon Mu Omega chapter in an effort to fight seasonal hunger by feeding over 150 families across the state.
Click here to make a donation.

Christmas Day of Service
Every Christmas, the Alphas join the The Salvation Army to help feed over 8,000 people at the Wisconsin Center in Downtown Milwaukee.

MLK Day of Service
To commemmorate the legacy of our fallen Brother, the Alphas volunteer at a variety of events an venues throughout the city. These include City Year Milwaukee, the annual MLK Breakfast, and the MLK Library.